Will a hotel reservation be cancelled?
People tend to make their plans and the corresponding reservations well in advance. Since the lead time can be as long as a couple of months this should allow for hotel management to adjust their operations accordingly. However, this is often not a case. While people book their hotel rooms in advance they might cancel just a few days before their reservation, which then causes hotels to lose their revenue. This is why prediction of customers more likely to cancel their bookings is so vital. We hope that our report will help hotel management make more informed decisions with regards to safeguarding against this lost revenue.
Keywords: data analysis, data visualisation, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest
Below I present only the most interesting parts of the project. The whole project repository is available here.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering
- 3. Model Fitting and Tuning
- 4. Discussion & Conclusions
1. Introduction
People tend to make their plans and the corresponding reservations well in advance. Since the lead time can be as long as a couple of months this should allow for hotel management to adjust their operations accordingly. However, this is often not a case. While people book their hotel rooms in advance they might cancel a few days before their reservation, which then causes hotels to lose their revenue. This is why prediction of customers more likely to cancel their bookings is so vital. We hope that our report will help hotel management make more informed decisions with regards to safeguarding against this lost revenue.
In this report we will be examining a dataset collected by Antonio et al. (2019)1 detailing booking information for two hotels. We aim to model the trends in this data in order to advise a large hotel operator on why customers cancel their bookings.
The dataset contains various details about each booking, including both details about the customers themselves and the nature of their booking - things like special requests, deposit type etc. We begin with exploratory data analysis. Here, we start by cleaning the data, dealing with any missing values and disregarding any observations or variables which are clearly erroneous. Then we look for relationships between our variables in order to decide which ones will be most important when it comes to modelling and predicting a cancellation. These key variables can then be feature engineered to prepare them for the modelling process.
We then move onto modelling, starting with a logisitic regression model to use as a baseline. Building on this, we explore decision trees and further, random forests, in order to try and provide some concrete advice on what the key features are of a booking that is likely to be cancelled.
2. Exploratory Data Analysis and Feature Engineering
In order to construct the appropriate model to predict cancellations, one has to explore the available data first. In this section, we first check for the missing values in the data as this can have a severe effect on the following analysis and then we investigate the key features of the data that will be relevant to the subsequent modelling.
2.1 Checking for the missing values
The dataset does contain missing data for four variables: company, agent, country and children. However, the hotel property management systems (PMS) assured that there are no missing data in this database (Antonio et al., 2019). Therefore, the missing values found by us are not supposed to be considered missing but rather “not applicable” (ibid.). Based on the article, we know that for the case of an agent the missing value translates to the booking not coming from the travel agent but rather the booking being made by an individual. A similar situation happens with the variable company - missing values translate to “not applicable”, which means that the entity that made the booking or is responsible for paying the booking is not a company. However, since there were 94% of data in “not applicable” category we have decided to drop that variable due to limited predictive power.
Given that there were only four missing values in the “children” column, we decided to use mode imputation to fill these - the mode happens to be zero. We believe that the most likely reason for missingness of that variable is due to a lack of attention of person making the booking. It is also very likely that lack of information for that variable is equivalent to no children at the reservation. In any case, we feel mode imputation is an appropriate action.
Finally, missing values for the variable “country” will be imputed with the mode, i.e. Portugal. There is however an important point to make about this particular variable. As noted by Antonio et al. (2019), it is very common for hotels not to know the guests’ nationality until the moment of check-in and hence, it is important to be cautious when using this feature. It does seems logical that Portugal would be the source of most of these unknown cases given that the hotels themselves are in Portugal so guests booking through local sources may not deem it relevant to declare their nationality. Even so, only 488 of these values are missing so this does not have a significant impact on the data as a whole.
#deal with na values as described above
d.children.fillna(0, inplace = True)
d.country.fillna(d.country.mode(), inplace = True)
d.agent.fillna("Not Applicable", inplace = True)
d.drop("company", axis = 1, inplace = True)
2.2 Discrepancies in the data
We explored the dataset checking whether filled in values correspond to the data description and looking for possible outliers or values that do not make sense. We have identified a few instances of such data discrepancies and will provide a detailed description below.
We have identified reservations for which there are babies or children with no adults. We believe this to be unreasonable for babies or children to make bookings without parental supervision and therefore decided to drop these values. Hence, we dropped 226 rows where there were no adults present on the reservation.
What we found to be even more suspicious were the reservations for no guests at all. This has happened 180 times throughout the dataset.
This can be due to the aforementioned problem in the hotel industry, i.e. the correct information about the reservation can only be captured once guests check-in. Nevertheless, we have decided to drop these records.
# no adults, no children, no babies
print("nobody on reservation: ", d[d.adults + d.children + d.babies == 0]["adults"].count())
# babies but no adults
print("babies with no adults: ", d[(d.adults == 0) & (d.babies > 0)]["babies"].count())
# children but no adults
print("children with no adults: ", d[(d.adults == 0) & (d.children > 0)]["children"].count())
nobody on reservation: 180
babies with no adults: 3
children with no adults: 223
Using variables for the number of week and weekend nights we found that there are bookings in data consisting of zero nights. This has become apparent in the data for 645 times. Therefore, we decided to drop rows containing this questionable result. We also checked whether the booking for more than two weekend nights also consists of at least five week nights. Luckily, this assumption holds for every row in our data.
# reservations for zero nights
print("people staying for zero nights: ", d[(d.stays_in_weekend_nights == 0) & (d.stays_in_week_nights == 0)]["stays_in_week_nights"].count())
# check if all reservations for more than two weekend nights imply reservation for at least five week nights
print("people staying for more than two weekend nigths but less than five week nights: ", d[(d.stays_in_weekend_nights > 2) & (d.stays_in_week_nights < 5)]["stays_in_week_nights"].count())
2.3 Overview of the data and feature engineering
We will now explore relationships between our features and the outcome variable in order to decide which variables will be relevant when it comes to the modelling stage and which variables we can disregard to simplify our model. We can then carry out feature engineering to prepare these chosen variables for use as part of the models we have decided to test.
2.3.1 Outcome variable
This is a binary variable indicating whether the booking was cancelled (1) or not cancelled (0). Based on the plot below we can see that the majority of bookings were not cancelled.
sns.countplot("is_canceled", data=d)
plt.title("Number of cancelled and not cancelled bookings", fontsize = 18)
plt.xlabel("Booking cancelled", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Count", fontsize=16)
plt.xticks(ticks = [0,1], labels = ["No", "Yes"], fontsize = 14)
2.3.2 Country of origin
The top five countries of origin of clients were Portugal, Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany. On the plot below we have shown how Portugal compares to other top five countries in terms of total number of bookings. About 40% of all reservations were made locally from Portugal. Interestingly, after a closer investigation we found out that if the reservation was made by a person from Portugal it was more likely to be cancelled. The relationship is depicted on the right-hand side plot. We believe that this is plausible as people making bookings from other countries are likely to be bearing the costs of plane tickes as well as hotel reservation. On the other hand, when a reservation is being made locally the only sunk costs are the cost of accomodation and cost of car journey to the hotel which we assumed to be smaller than the cost of a flight. Therefore, we have decided to create a feature capturing the effect of the country of origin being Portugal. It is a dummy variable “is_portugal” that is 1 if the country is Portugal or 0 otherwise.
# plotting two graphs side by side
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2)
# the first plot represents top five countries of origin of hotel guests
sns.countplot(x="country", data=d, order=pd.value_counts(d["country"]).iloc[:5].index,
ax = axes[0]).set(title = "Top 5 countries of origin of the guests", xlabel = "Country", ylabel = "Number of reservations")
# the second plot compares number of reservations canceled and not canceled for Portugal
sns.countplot("is_canceled", hue="country", data = d[d.country == "PRT"],
ax = axes[1]).set(title = "Closer investigation of Portugal", xlabel = "Canceled", ylabel = "Number of reservations")
# create a dummy variable if the country of origin is Portugal
d["is_portugal"] = np.where(d.country == "PRT", 1, 0)
2.3.3 Lead time
Looking at the below boxplots we can see that there appears to be a distinct difference in distributions of the lead time, depending on if an individual cancelled or not. It appears that a longer lead times is correlated with a higher likelihood of cancelling. Logically this makes sense because the further in advance that someone books a holiday, the more likely it is that something will occur in the time between the booking and the holiday that means they are no longer able to attend and thus must cancel. This is something that we would like to explore further by including this variable in our modelling.
sns.boxplot("is_canceled","lead_time",data = d)
plt.title("Relationship between lead time and cancelled bookings", fontsize = 18)
plt.xlabel("Booking cancelled", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Lead time", fontsize=16)
plt.xticks(ticks = [0,1], labels = ["No", "Yes"], fontsize = 14)
2.3.4 Previous reservations
We anticipate that a customers cancellation history would have reasonable bearing on their propensity to cancel again in the future. Here, we are not so interested in the number of previous cancellations, but instead, we have created a new binary column for if someone has any previous cancellations - 1 if they do, 0 if they don’t. You can see that people who have cancelled are proportionaly a lot more likely to cancel again than those who haven’t. Again, the instances of previous cancellers are few and far between, although such a stark change in cancellation distribution warrants inclusion in our model. Likewise, people who have booked and stayed at the hotel before are less likely to cancel than those who haven’t, so we have created a corresponding binary varible in the same form as the one we made for previous cancellations.
# count how many people have previously canceled their reservations
print("There are ",d[d.previous_cancellations > 0]["previous_cancellations"].count(), " people with previous cancellations.")
# creating dummy variables
d["previous"] = np.where(d["previous_cancellations"]>0,1,0) ## maybe try to find a better name for this feature?
d["previously_booked"] = np.where(d["previous_bookings_not_canceled"]>0,1,0)
# plotting graphs side by side
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2)
# the first plot
ax = axes[0,0]).set(xlabel = "Canceled before", ylabel = "Count")
# the second plot
sns.countplot("previous",hue="is_canceled",data=d[d.previous == 1],
ax = axes[0,1]).set(xlabel = "Only Canceled before", ylabel = "Count")
# the third plot
ax = axes[1,0]).set(xlabel = "Booked and not canceled", ylabel = "Count")
# the fourth plot
sns.countplot("previously_booked",hue="is_canceled",data=d[d.previously_booked == 1],
ax = axes[1,1]).set(xlabel = "Only Booked and not canceled", ylabel = "Count")
There are 6473 people with previous cancellations.
2.3.5 Type of deposit
Another factor which seems obviously relevant when it comes to cancelled bookings is the type of deposit left by the customer. Below we see a bar chart showing the number of people who did and didn’t cancel for each deposit class. This yields an incredibly interesting result - those with a non-refundable deposit cancel almost every single time. Now this seems counter-intuitive as you would expect that it would be those with no deposit at all, or even a refundable one, who would be more likely to cancel. We explored the possibility that the non-refundable rooms were significantly cheaper than the others so people would cancel more readily, however the boxplot below shows this is not the case. We are unable to find any other sound justification for this fact however the prevalence non-refundable cancellers in the dataset is too large (almost 15,000 of them) to ignore and thus we decide to include it in our modelling.
# plotting two graphs side by side
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2)
# the first plot
sns.countplot("deposit_type", hue="is_canceled", data=d,
ax = axes[0]).set(xlabel = "Type of deposit", ylabel = "Count")
#calculate daily rate per adult
adr2 = d["adr"]/d["adults"]
# the second plot
ax = axes[1]).set(xlabel = "Type of deposit", ylabel = "Average Daily Rate per adult")
3. Model Fitting and Tuning
Explanatory data analysis enabled us to narrow the number of features to 10 (full data exploration is available on a github repository). We considered several approaches when choosing how to build our model. Given the nature of our problem, we started off with a simple logistic regression model to use as a baseline to compare our more complex models to. We then explored some more complex avenues looking at both decision trees, and then further at random forests. Although both of these approaches led to slightly higher accuracy than our logistic regression model, they also saw a distinct increase in the false postive rate. In the context of the hotel industry this is problematic. Predicting that a booking is going to cancel when it actually isn’t could result in a room becoming double booked. This would leave one set of customers without a room which could of course have significant legal consequences.
3.1 Splitting model into training and test
# create a dataset used for modelling stage
d_model = d.drop(["adults", "adr", "arrival_date_year", "arrival_date_month", "arrival_date_day_of_month", "stays_in_week_nights", "total_of_special_requests",
"stays_in_weekend_nights", "distribution_channel", "customer_type", "stay_length", "hotel", "got_reserved_room", "arrival_date_week_number",
"meal", "assigned_room_type", "reserved_room_type", "previous_cancellations", "previous_bookings_not_canceled", "country", "agent", "used_agent",
"is_repeated_guest", "booking_changes", "days_in_waiting_list"], axis = 1)
# define response variable and extract the explanatory features
y = d_model.is_canceled
X = pd.get_dummies(d_model.drop(["is_canceled"], axis = 1), drop_first = True)
# create training and test datasets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, shuffle = True, random_state = 1)
3.2 Assessing model’s performance: FPR, ROC and AUC
When assessing the performance of the model we looked at various scores.
False Positive Rate (FPR) is given by:
\[\text{FPR} = \frac{\text{FP}}{\text{FP} + \text{TN}}\]where FP is the number of false positive predictions and TN the number of true negative predictions. A false positive prediction means that a cancellation was predicted while in reality this booking was not cancelled. Conversely, a false negative means that a it was predicted that the booking would not to be cancelled while in reality it was. It is one of many measures of accuracy for models. In our example, the model will predict the most likely class for the booking based on the training data. The predicted label can then be checked against the actual label and thus, telling us the accuracy of the model. We want to emphasize the importance of false positive predictions in this case, since we wish to minimize the number of situations where the model predicts that the booking will be cancelled while in fact it is not. This scenario could lead to potential double booking and thus can be especially harmful for the hotel’s reputation.
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve displays the false positive-false negative tradeoff for all possible thresholds. Using this metric allows us to visualize the performance of the model. The ideal ROC would be very close to the top left corner of the plot.
Along with ROC curve we use Area Under Curve (AUC). It summarizes the quality of ROC metric. The ideal classification would score $\text{AUC} = 1$ and if we to choose the classes at random the area under the curve would be given by $\text{AUC} = 0.5$. AUC also equals to the probability that the classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive case (cancelled reservation) higher than a randomly chosen negative case (not cancelled booking).
3.3 Modelling approaches tried
3.3.1 Logistic regression
We first started with the logistic regression without regularization as a baseline model. The model performed reasonably well. In terms of training AUC the model scored $0.76$, the corresponding ROC has been ploted below. The overall performance is not great when compared to other models which scored higher in these two metrics. However, given the nature of the problem we are also interested in the false positive rate. When compared to other models it produces the least percentage of false positives which is important from hotel management point of view. Logistic regression also enables for better interpretability of results as it produces log odds given by:
\[\textbf{log-odds} = \log \left( \frac{p(y=1|\textbf{x})}{p(y=0|\textbf{x})} \right)\]Given its advantages we have decided to continue with the logistic regression and optimize it using regularization.
# Logistic regression without penalty
m = LogisticRegression(penalty = 'none', fit_intercept = False, solver='lbfgs', max_iter=1000).fit(X_train, y_train)
truth = pd.Categorical.from_codes(y_train, categories = ('not canceled','canceled'))
probs = m.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
roc_calc = roc_curve(y_true=y_train, y_score=probs)
roc = pd.DataFrame(
data = np.c_[roc_calc],
columns = ('false positive rate', 'true positive rate', 'threshold')
def roc_plot(threshold=0.5):
i = (np.abs(roc.threshold - threshold)).idxmin()
sns.lineplot(x='false positive rate', y='true positive rate', data=roc, ci=None)
plt.plot([0,1],[0,1], 'k--', alpha=0.5) # 0-1 line
plt.plot(roc.iloc[i,0], roc.iloc[i,1], 'r.')
plt.title("threshold = %.2f" % threshold)
sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_train, m.predict(X_train))
sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(y_train, m.predict(X_train))
array([[54607, 4714],
[14361, 20990]])
Using the GridSearchCV we explored the effect of regularization on the baseline model. Note that we had to change the solver to “liblinear” for the regularization compared to “lbfgs” for models with no penalty. After applying penalization, model’s performance improved to $0.88$ in terms of AUC. The score is comparable to performance of the decision tree and a bit lower than random forest. When looking at the Normalized Confusion Matrix, please note that the each row sums up to one. Hence, it is clear that we have, in fact, achieved to obtain a relatively small number of false positives (around 4% after having inspected the confusion matrix). However, when looking at the bottom row, we can see that the proportion is $0.41:0.59$. This means that the model performs poorly with classifying false negatives. Nevertheless, we believe that for hotel operations it is more important to prioritize the false positives as they are more costly and harmful for the management’s reputation.
# Grid search for logistic regression
# Create first pipeline for base without reducing features
pipe = Pipeline([('classifier', LogisticRegression())])
# Create param grid
param_grid = [
{'classifier' : [LogisticRegression()],
'classifier__penalty' : ['l1', 'l2'],
'classifier__C' : np.logspace(-4, 4, 20),
'classifier__solver' : ['liblinear']}
# Create grid search object and fit on data
best_clf = GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid = param_grid, cv = 5, scoring = "roc_auc").fit(X_train, y_train)
# print the best result
from sklearn.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(best_clf, X_train, y_train,
normalize = "true",
plt.title("Normalized confusion matrix")
After tuning the model, it is time to see how it performs on the test data. The results can be interpreted as in the model performs slighlty worse when comparing the AUC score. However, scores for both accuracy and precision are quite high. This and the fact that the model favours small amount of false positives as well as ease when it comes to interpreting the results allowed us to ensure that the model performs well with the task in mind.
print("AUC_test_data: ", round(sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, best_clf.predict(X_test)), 5))
print("Accuracy_test_data: ", round(sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, best_clf.predict(X_test)), 5))
print("Precision_test_data: ", round(sklearn.metrics.precision_score(y_test, best_clf.predict(X_test)), 5))
AUC_test_data: 0.7584
Accuracy_test_data: 0.80177
Precision_test_data: 0.82089
Finally, we provide the overview of the weights of different features. From the plot below we can see that if the clients engage with the hotel, make special requests including parking space, are from corporate and TA/TO or have previously booked a hotel room - they are less likely to cancel their reservation. Especially worth noting is the effect the request for parking space has. On contrary, when the deposit is non refundable, when country of origin is Portugal, when guest has previously cancelled or if the market segment is undefined or for travel agents - they are more likely to cancel. The rather counterintuitive effect of the non-refundable deposit remains puzzling to us. We would have to get some more data to be able to explain this phenomenon. Our best guess is that the deposit for some rooms is not that expensive relative to people’s income and thus, people tend not to pay much attention to the sunk cost that the non-refundable deposit becomes.
weights = pd.DataFrame({"feature": X_train.columns,
"weight": best_clf.best_estimator_.named_steps["classifier"].coef_[0]})
weights = weights.sort_values(by="weight", ascending=False)
specified = ['#003f5c' if x > 0 else '#ffa600' for x in weights["weight"]]
sns.barplot("weight", "feature", data = weights, palette = specified)
3.3.2 Decision tree
Decision trees work by dividing up our data based on the values of certain features, in the hope that we can effectively separate the necessary classes in order to make predictions on the classes of future observations. In our case, we needed to tune our parameter “max_depth” which tells the algorithm how many layers of splitting to do. Using cross-validation we found this optimal value to be 13 and so we ran our model using this parameter. We achieved an accuracy of 0.80. Inspecting the resulting confusion matrix we see that 8.6% of non-cancellations were predicted to cancel (false positive rate).
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
#optimise storage for accuracy values
acc = [0] * 100
#loop through depths 1 to 100 storing accuracy score for each
for i in range(1,101):
#plots accuracy v max_depth
#accuracy appears to peak around 27/28 and doesnt change a great deal beyond that so go with that to avoid overfitting
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7eff5e3d77d0>]
#these functions are vaguely based on work in https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-find-decision-tree-depth-via-cross-validation-2bf143f0f3d6
def treescv(X, y, tree_depths, cv=5, scoring='accuracy'):
scores_list = []
mean_list = []
accuracy_scores = []
for depth in tree_depths:
tree_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=depth,random_state=1)
cv_scores = cross_val_score(tree_model, X, y, cv=cv, scoring=scoring)
accuracy_scores.append(tree_model.fit(X, y).score(X, y))
mean_list = np.array(mean_list)
accuracy_scores = np.array(accuracy_scores)
return mean_list, accuracy_scores
def plotcv(depths, mean_list, accuracy_scores, title):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(15,5))
ax.plot(depths, mean_list, '-o', label='mean cross-validation accuracy', alpha=0.9)
ylim = plt.ylim()
ax.plot(depths, accuracy_scores, '-*', label='train accuracy', alpha=0.9)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel('Tree depth', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=14)
our_depths = range(1,100)
mean_list, accuracy_scores = treescv(X_train,y_train,our_depths,cv=5)
plotcv(our_depths,mean_list=mean_list,accuracy_scores=accuracy_scores,title="Accuracy for each tree depth on training")
#index of max mean accuracy
index = mean_list.argmax()
#correlates index to max tree depth
optimal_depth = our_depths[index]
print("Best mean cross-validation accuracy at depth:",optimal_depth)
#anything beyond this doesn't yield an increase in accuracy but overfitting may be an issue
Best mean cross-validation accuracy at depth: 27
array([[13410, 1518],
[ 2478, 6263]])
dt_prob = dtmod.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true=y_test, y_score=dt_prob)
#set of parameters for grid search
grid_param = {
'max_depth': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
#carry out grid search
gs_rf = GridSearchCV(estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(),
param_grid = grid_param,
#fits to training data
{'max_depth': 15}
3.3.3 Random forest
To see if we could improve our decision tree model, we decided to expand to a random forest. Here we are fitting lots of different decision tress on unique subsets of the data and then combining them in the hope of getting a more accurate prediction. With random forests, maximum depth of each tree is not such a big problem as it is with an individual decision trees in terms of the likelihood of overfitting. As such it is unnecessary to tune this parameter as we did for the decision tree model. We will just go with our optimal value of 27 from the tuning of our decision trees as this gave us an idea of what a reasonable value is. What is important, is the number of random features that we consider at each split and the criterion we use to make our splits. As such, we carried out a grid search over a range of these values to arrive at the optimal. We ended up considering the square root of the number of features at each split and splitting via the entropy criterion. This gave us an almost identical accuracy to the decision tree model, and a false positive rate of 11%.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
#defines classifier
rfmod = RandomForestClassifier(max_features = "sqrt",random_state=1)
#fits classifier to training data
rfmod = rfmod.fit(X_train,y_train)
#generate predictions on test data
rf_pred = rfmod.predict(X_test)
#generate prediction probabilities
rf_probs = rfmod.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
#produce auc score
rf_auc = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test,rf_probs)
[[13376 1552]
[ 2447 6294]]
#set of parameters for grid search
grid_param = {
'max_features': ["sqrt","log2",0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5],
'criterion': ["gini","entropy"]
#carry out gridsearch
gs_rf = GridSearchCV(estimator=RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1),
param_grid = grid_param,
{'criterion': 'entropy', 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
{'criterion': 'entropy', 'max_features': 'sqrt'}
#fits new model as above with optimised parameters
rfmod = RandomForestClassifier(criterion="entropy",max_features = "sqrt",max_depth=15,random_state=1)
rfmod = rfmod.fit(X_train,y_train)
rf_pred = rfmod.predict(X_test)
rf_probs = rfmod.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
roc_num = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test,rf_probs)
[[13217 1711]
[ 2365 6376]]
# Plot non-normalized confusion matrix
titles_options = [("Confusion matrix, without normalization", None),
("Normalized confusion matrix", 'true')]
for title, normalize in titles_options:
disp = plot_confusion_matrix(rfmod, X_test, y_test,
Confusion matrix, without normalization
[[13217 1711]
[ 2365 6376]]
Normalized confusion matrix
[[0.88538317 0.11461683]
[0.27056401 0.72943599]]
3.3.4 Other models
Another classification method we considered are Support Vector Machines. However, this method is not a good method for datasets with many features due to overfitting. As our data set has XX features, this method is less applicable for our task. Furthermore, Support Vector Machines are generally not a good method for datasets with many discrete or categorical features, which is another problem as barely any of our features contain continuous data. We tried to run a simple support vector machine model with a linear kernel to test the accuracy the model would produce. However, after 15+ minutes of running the model it still did not produce any output. Support vector machines are sensitive to the tuning of the hyperparameters. Doing a full gridsearch which finds the optimal kernel and optimal values for the parameters of the model would be very computationally expensive and take a long time to run. As this model needs a practical application for our task, a model with such a difficult setup is not viable and as argued will not produce a more accurate model anyway. Therefore, a Support Vector Machine model is no longer considered.
Another commonly used classifcation method is: Clustering. This is an unsupervised method. This method is intended to be used when there are no labels for the data. The goal of clustering is to find patterns or groupings in the data. In our case, we do have labels for the data: “is_canceled”, which we are trying to predict. This makes clustering not applicable to our problem and we will therfore no longer consider it.
from sklearn.svm import SVC
# C = 1 # [1,5,10,50,100],
# degree = 2 # [2,3,4],
# kernel = 'linear' # ['poly', 'rbf', 'linear'])
# svc_model = SVC(kernel=kernel, degree=degree, C=C, gamma='scale').fit(X, y)
# svc_model.score(X, y)
4. Discussion & Conclusions
In this section we will be providing an overview of our model and how the results from it can be used to help the hotel operator learn more about their cancellations. The hope is that this information can help with planning to avoid empty beds.
4.1 Model Overview
As detailed above, we decided to go with a logistic regression model. Despite this being slightly less accurate overall than some of the other methods we explored, it did give us the lowest false positive rate. This is particularly imporant in a situation such as this as double-booking rooms and having both groups arriving at the same time is extremely problematic and needs to be avoided as much as possible. Looking back at the overview of our model coefficients from the previous part, we can see that lead time didn’t appear to have much of an effect on predicting a cancellation. In hindsight, it may have been beneficial to omit it from our model altogether. Apart from this, all other variables we explored seemed to have some sort of effect.
4.2 Implications
Looking at the magnitudes of each coefficient in the aforementioned coefficient graph, we can see that in terms of predicting a cancellation, someone having a non-refundable deposit is a heavy indication that they would cancel. As we have previously said, this seems a bit counter-intuitive given that a logical person would surely not cancel a booking with a non-refundable deposit, however we can only make conclusions based on the data we have available. Going forward, it may be beneficial to collect further data to verify this strange correlation, or even survey the individuals responsible for these cancellations to get a better idea of why this is the case. All the other variables with a positive effect on likelihood of cancellation all make logical sense. These include having a history of cancellations, booking through undefined or online TA market segements, being from Portugal and being on a full board meal plan. There is also a very small positive impact of having a refundable deposit.
On the other hand, our model also reveals a number of variables which are indicative of a booking which is unlikely to be cancelled. By far the variable with the largest effect in this regard is if a parking space has been booked. Previous bookings which haven’t been cancelled are also a strong indication that someone is unlikely to cancel. There are also a number of variables with a much smaller effect, including all other market segments, if a booking has any special requests and if they were on a waiting list. The fact that being on a waiting list decreases the chances of cancellation according to our model seems strange given what we observed in our EDA, and this is something that, given more time, would be looked into further.
4.3 Conclusion
To sum up, we believe that out model can be considered an effective tool for predicting reservations likely to be cancelled. Hotel management can try to use our results to create a strategy aimed at reducing lost profit due to cancellations. Our model aimes to minimize the number of false positives, however if it happens that the hotel has resold the room - the management can try to implement a set of promotional acitvities (e.g. free upgrade to a better room ) aimed at reducing the harmful effect it would have on hotel management’s reputation. We believe that our report ensures a better understanding of cancellations and can be used as a guidebook for deriving an optimal booking strategy to prevent double bookings as well as room being empty. To our contention, it is likely that our model will help the management to gain the competitive advantage and optimize their operations.
Antonio, N., Ana de Almeida and Luís Nunes. “Hotel booking demand datasets.” Data in Brief 22 (2019): 41 - 49. ↩